February 18, 2025, 08:01:42 AM

Ga Cheerleading Vent

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JV Co-ed: Gatewood

1. Robert Toombs
2. Calvary Day
3. John Milledge

1. Bleckley
2. Vidalia
3. Dodge

Crisp County

West Laurens

1. Pierce

1. Bacon
2. Bleckley
Small middle school.[/size]
1. Mossy Creek[/size]
2. Dodge[/size]
3. Bleckley[/size]
First HS session[/size]
1. Houston County[/size]
1. Bleckley[/size]
Gatewood Academy[/size]
1. Mary Persons[/size]
1. Warner Robins.[/size]
Oh, and apparently, one cheerleader didn't notice her skirt was up and her bloomers were in full bloom  while she performed.   ::) :-[ [/size]
Pierce Co was Grand Champion, not South.

That mistake was brought to you by a lack of sleep.

My bad.  :-(
Pierce Co was Grand Champion, not South.

Middle School

Small- 1. Savannah Christian 2. J.R. Trippe 3. East Laurens. ::)

Large- William James.

*Grand champion* Savannah Christian

High School session 1

JV- Houston County

3A- Pierce

5A- South Effingham *Grand Champion*

6A- Richmond Hill

High School session 2

A- Johnson County

AA- 1. Bacon 2. Vidalia 3. Bleckley
GHSA Dance Competitions & Results/Discussions / Dance Competition Info
« Last post by UPro Media on June 26, 2019, 11:17:23 AM »
Dance Info
The GHSA Competitive Dance Invitational will be held on February 16, 2019 at Mt. Zion High School in Jonesboro, Georgia beginning at 9AM.
  • Classification/divisions will be determined after registration beginning November 1st on the GHSA website.
  • Schools may enter 1 team of up to 20 dancers.
  • Teams may enter 2 routines to be judged.
  • The genres will include:
    • Jazz
    • High kick
    • Hip hop
    • Pom
  • A winner in each category will be named.
  • For the overall winner, a team¡¦s scores for both routines will be combined to determine their overall score. The top runner up and winner will receive a trophy.
  • All NFHS rules for Competitive dance will be enforced. You can order a NFHS rule book from GHSA or nfhs.org. The following rules are included:
    • accessories and apparel
    • lifts and stunts
    • legalities on shoes
  • All members of the school¡¦s dance team must be eligible students that attend that high school.
  • Teams can be coed or All Girl.
We will follow all NFHS rules on apparel and accessories. You may order a NFHS rule book from the GHSA office or at nfhs.org.
GHSA Competitive Dance Scoresheet (Updated 9/28/2018)
GHSA Competitive Dance Scoring Rubric
Contact Penny Pitts Mitchell at pennypitts@ghsa.net if you need information.
Dance Timeline
Nov. 1: Registration opens on GHSA website with a contract similar to cheer contract.
           The Dance Invitational Contract is available at: https://www.ghsa.net/dance-contracts
            Complete, Print and Mail the contract with your entry fee to the given address
Dec. 3: Deadline for teams to enter with entry fee of $180.00.
Dec. 14: Final deadline with entry fee of $250.00.
Feb. 1: Dance Team Roster Due on GHSA MIS: https://app.ghsa.net
Feb. 15: Officials arrive in Atlanta
  • Training for Georgia officials.
  • Set up day for Mt. Zion HS
Feb. 16: Dance invitational-begins at 9AM (Admission is $10 per person at the venue and mobile tickets are available at GoFan.)
March 6-9: Basketball championships-top teams will be invited to perform at the championships.
GHSA Game Day Cheerleading Competition Forum / Game Day Rules
« Last post by UPro Media on June 26, 2019, 11:14:38 AM »
The total number of participants for a school team is determined by counting all spirit-leading participants including cheerleaders, mascots, and flag runners. The use of live band and/or drum line to supplement the Game Day environment is not permitted.
Schools are responsible for registering their squad in the appropriate division based on conference classification. Flag runners and/or mascots cannot be involved in the execution of cheer skills.
Each school team will be allowed to enter one (1) school team division. The following conference divisions have been identified in which schools must participate in their appropriate division.
1A—Maximum of 24 participants $175
2A—Maximum of 24 participants $175
3A—Maximum of 24 participants $175
4A—Maximum of 24 participants $175
5A—Maximum of 24 participants $175
6A—Maximum of 24 participants $175
7A—Maximum of 24 participants $175
*GHSA reserves the right to alter or adjust divisions based on the total number of registered teams per category
The school team will consist of students that meet the requirements according to the GHSA Rules and Guidelines.
1. One SIDELINE team per school will be allowed to enter the GHSA Game Day Invitational.
2. All participants must be academically eligible students of the school in which they represent and must be designated by school officials as spirit representatives for participation purposes.
3. The individual students representing a school team may vary in the preliminary categories provided each performance does not exceed the maximum number of participants.
4. For teams advancing to the finals, participants that enter the floor must remain the entire length of the finals performance. Substituting individuals on and off the floor for the different sections of the final round is not permitted.
5. It is the responsibility of the school coach that each team member, coaches, parents, and other persons affiliated with the school conduct themselves in the appropriate manner.
6. School teams must refrain from taunting, bragging, or suggestive expressions or gestures as well as discrimination of any nature.
1. Traditional game day uniform is required.
2. All National Federation of State High Schools (NFHS) uniform rules apply.
3. School teams must display an overall appearance conducive to serving as public representatives and ambassadors of their school in regards to grooming, traditional and appropriate attire, conservative make-up, and uniformity.
4. The use of signs, poms, flags, and megaphones are allowed and encouraged for performances. The use of additional props is not permitted.
1. Approximate floor size will be 54 feet wide by 42 feet deep (9 strips).
2. The GHSA Game Day Invitational will comply with the NFHS competition surface rule.
3. Signs or props may be placed or dropped outside the competition area by a team member who must remain inside the competition area. See Section IV, E for deductions association with out of bounds.
1. Schools must use recorded marching band music for the fight song and Band Chant categories.
2. All use of music must by compliant with U.S. Copyright Laws.
3. Neither The GHSA nor Varsity Spirit is responsible for obtaining any necessary permission or licensing of the recorded music used by a school team during the course of the GHSA Game Day Invitational.
4. Fight Song /Band Music
a. If a high school marching band records their school’s original fight song, they will need to get the school’s permission to use the song and recording
b. If a team legally acquires a recording of a band playing a popular recording from an authorized provider (iTunes, Amazon, etc.), the song can be used as long as no edits are made to the music (other than for timing purposes).
c. A team cannot use a recording of their band playing a popular song (a cover) or other music without the proper permissions or the band becoming a preferred provider. See Varsity.com/music for more information about preferred providers.
1. GHSA rules require cheer and spirit performances shall be in accordance with safety standards prescribed by the National Federation High School Spirit Rules.
2. The GHSA Constitution and Contest Rules section 1208(x)(y) required annual education and training applies to any person designated by the school as a cheerleading coach, supervisor or sponsor.
3. School participants must comply with the GHSA Constitution and Contest Rules section 1205(a)(6) GHSA Concussion Acknowledgment Form and file it with the school district personnel for the current school year.
4. Any student participating in a GHSA member school cheerleading program, suspected of having a concussion, must be evaluated by his or her treating physician. The participant’s treating physician must provide a written statement that in his or her professional judgment it is safe for the student to return-to-play before the participant many begin the school districts COT return-to-play designated protocol.
Teams will be evaluated on their ability to lead the crowd, proper skill incorporations and performance, motions, dance and overall routine. Game Day practicality is heavily emphasized. Performances should be prepared as they would for sideline leading at a school sporting event.
The competition will consist of three categories. There should be no “organized” entrances when taking the floor for any of the performances.
1 - Band Chant:
 Recorded marching band music or drum cadence performance that encourages crowd interaction
 PRELIMINARY competition - teams will be announced, take the floor, with timing beginning with the first beat of music or organized movement
 One minute time LIMIT.
 No stunts or tumbling are permitted in this section. Jumps and kicks are allowed.
2 - Crowd Leading:
 Sideline cheerleading that engages crowd response
 PRELIMINARY competition - teams will take the floor at the sound of a BUZZER. Timing begins when the buzzer sounds and teams are encouraged to lead the crowd as they take the floor and continue the crowd-leading section
 One minute time LIMIT
 There will not be a buzzer to signify the end of this section
 Skill restrictions:
o No basket, sponge or elevator tosses allowed (cradles are considered dismounts, not tosses). Coed and “quick” tosses are permitted.
o No inversions
o No twisting dismounts from stunts
o Single-leg extended stunts are limited to liberties and liberty hitches
o No running tumbling
o Standing tumbling is limited to one tumbling skill at a time. A back tuck is the most elite standing tumbling skill allowed.
3 - Fight Song:
 Traditional school fight song performed to recorded marching band music
 PRELIMINARY competition - teams will be announced, take the floor, with timing beginning with the first beat of music or organized movement
 One minute time LIMIT
 Up to three CONSECUTIVE eight-counts may be incorporated (skills added) with stunts, tumbling and/or jumps. The incorporation can take place at any point in the performance and can (but does not have to be) be repeated once if desired. IF the incorporation is repeated (to accompany the repetition of the fight song), the incorporation must repeat exactly as initially performed. To properly count your incorporation, start counting the 8-counts with the “dips” of the added skill(s)—the dip to jump, dip to tumble, dip of top person to load stunt, etc). REGARDLESS OF WHEN THE MUSIC ENDS, counting will continue until the routine is complete or the skills are completed and back on the ground.
 Skill restrictions:
o No basket, sponge or elevator tosses allowed (cradles are considered dismounts, not tosses)
o No inversions
o No twisting dismounts from stunts
o Single-leg extended stunts are limited to liberties and liberty hitches
o No running tumbling
o Standing tumbling is limited to one skill at a time. A back tuck is the most elite standing tumbling skill allowed
PRELIMS - Each performance will consist of one preliminary round of each of the three identified categories above. Each round will have a time limit of one (1) minute. Each of the three category prelim performance rounds will be preceded by a designated warm-up session.
FINALS - Teams with the highest cumulative scores from the three preliminary categories will advance to finals. The number of teams advancing to finals will be determined based on the number of teams participating in the preliminary rounds in each conference. The final performance round will be preceded by a designated warm-up session.
Each FINALS performance will have an overall maximum performance time limit of three (3) minutes and will be performed in the following order:
1. Band Chant
2. Situational Response (see description below)
3. Crowd Leading
4. Fight Song
The entire performance will be executed in a continuous order. To continue the feel of a Game Day environment, spirited crowd-leading interaction between each section is encouraged.
SITUATIONAL RESPONSE: Each team will respond to audio cues by a game announcer, as heard at football and basketball games. In order to imitate the Game Day environment, audio cues will include an announcer-lead situational cue to which the team will show a definitive OFFENSE or DEFENSE response. A general response would not meet the criteria.
1. In the preliminary rounds, each team will be scored by multiple judges in each of the three categories.
2. The official FINAL results and team placements will be determined by the cumulative scores from the FINALS round only. Preliminary round scores will not carry over to determine final team standings. However, if a tie occurs in the final round, the cumulative preliminary scores will be utilized to break any ties.
3. Scores and rankings will be available only to coaches as follows:
 Preliminary Rounds - score sheets will be made available to all teams following the preliminary round.
 Finals scores and rankings will be posted on the GHSA website following the conclusion of the competition.
4. The judges will score teams using the criteria listed on the GHSA Game Day Invitational score sheet.
5. All scores and judges decisions are considered final.
1. Acknowledging the potential variance in sound system and timing devices, judges will not issue a deduction until their stopwatches show a time of three (3) seconds over the time limit.
2. It is recommended that all teams practice and time performances prior to competition to allow for variations in sound equipment.
3. Introductions and exits:
a. All team breaks, rituals, and traditions need to take place backstage before a team is in the “on deck” or next to perform position.
b. Teams should take the floor immediately with spirit and enthusiasm, but without excessive gestures i.e. teams must refrain from chest bumps, hugs, and handshakes.
c. All teams should refrain from any type of excessive celebration following the team’s performance.
d. There should not be any organized exits or other activities after the official ending of the routine.
1. If, in the opinion of the competition officials, a team’s routine is interrupted because of failure of the competition equipment, facilities, or other factors attributable to the competition rather than the team, the team affected will be directed to STOP the routine.
2. If directed to stop a routine, the team will perform the routine again in its entirety, but will be evaluated only from the point where the interruption occurred.
1. In the event a team’s routine is interrupted because of failure of the team’s own equipment, the team must either continue the routine or withdraw from the competition.
2. The competition officials will determine if the team will be allowed to perform at a later time. If decided by officials, the team will perform the routine again in its entirety, but will be evaluated only from the point where the interruption occurred.
1. All participants must follow the GHSA safety regulations identified in this document. The only persons that may stop a routine for injury are: a) competition officials, or b) the school coach from the team performing.
2. The competition officials will determine if the team will be allowed to perform at a later time. If the competition officials allow a routine to be performed at a later time, the spot in the schedule where the re-performance is to take place is at the sole discretion of competition officials. The team may perform the routine again in its entirety, but will be evaluated only from the point where the interruption occurred.
3. The injured participant that wishes to perform may not return to the competition floor unless the competition officials receive clearance from the on-site medical personnel and the school head coach of the competing team.
4. Any injured participant suspected of a concussion is required to follow the GHSA Concussion Policy regarding the treatment of concussions and must be removed immediately from the competition.
Any questions concerning the rules or procedures of the competition will be handled exclusively by the school coach of the team and will be directed to the Competition Director. Such questions should be made prior to the team’s competition performance.
The GHSA Game Day Invitational Rules Committee will consist of a designated Competition Director, Head Judge and GHSA staff. The school team and school coach must abide by all decisions made by the judges and Rules Committee. Any interpretation of the GHSA Game Day Invitational rules and regulations or any decision involving any other aspect of the competition will be rendered by the Rules Committee.
Each conference or division will receive the following:
1. A first place plaque will be awarded to the top team score in Band Chant, crowd leading and fight song categories.
2. The top teams will be awarded and designated with a 2nd place with a runner-up silver trophy and 1st place with a championship gold trophy.
3. Each team member of the top three teams and one school coach will be awarded an individual medal first place - gold, second place – silver.
Judges will be provided by the GHSA and they will be responsible for scoring each school performance according to the GHSA competition score sheets.
1. Head Judge - The Head Judge is responsible for overseeing the entire Judging Panel that consists of Panel Judges, Point Deduction Judge, and Safety Judge. The Head Judge will also fill out his/her own score sheet for each performance.
2. Panel Judge - Panel Judges are responsible for scoring each team’s performance based on the GHSA score sheets. Each Panel Judge will fill out a score sheet for each performance.
3. Safety Judge - The Safety Judge is responsible for administering all safety violations, time violations, and boundary violations.
4. Judging Coordinator/Quality Judge
Any team that does not adhere to the terms and procedures of the GHSA Game Day Invitational rules and regulations defined in this document will be subject to disqualification from the competition and will automatically forfeit any award.
Deduction points will be subtracted from the final score.
Area Specific Deduction Points
Participant allowance
(Section I, A)
Exceed maximum participants
Disqualification from contest
Music licensing
(Section I, E)
Failure to meet licensing requirement
Disqualification from contest
NFHS Spirit Rules
(Section I, F, 1)
Utilization of skill or stunt not permitted by rule
5 points per rule violation
Time limit*
*3 second window to allow for variance
(Section II, C)
Each violation
3 points for 1-5 seconds over limit
5 points for 6-10 seconds over limit
7 points for 11 seconds or more over limit
Time limit
(Section II, C)
Excessive celebration or organized entrance or exit
1 point
Performance floor
(Section I, D, 4)
Any team member stepping with both feet outside the designated performance area
Half of one point
Procedure or General Rule Violation (not a safety violation)
Team exceeds 8-count allowances in fight song
Team adds stunts or tumbling in Band Chant
3 points per rule violation
Congratulations to the first GHSA Game Day Cheerleading Competitors and Champions!!Team Scores A-3A
 1. Morgan Co. 80.0
 2. Haralson Co. 77.2
 3. Jeff Davis 75.75
 4. Sonoraville 75.25
 1. Denmark 87.75
 2. Wayne Co. 87.0
 3. Mary Persons 85.0
 4. Woodland, Cartersville 76.5
 1. North Gwinnett 87.75
 2. Mill Creek 85.25
 3. West Forsyth 79.25
 4. Hillgrove 77.75
GHSA Dance Competitions & Results/Discussions / GHSA Dance Championship
« Last post by UPro Media on June 26, 2019, 10:39:52 AM »
Team Scores

 1. Washington Hip Hop    77.88
 2. East Jackson Jazz       73.37
 3. Model Jazz                    67.83
 4. Franklin County Pom    67.10
 1. McIntosh Pom              94.50
 2. Starr's Mill Zazz            93.20
 3. Starr's Mill Pom            92.80
 4. Mcintosh Lyrical           92.73
 1. Mill Creek Pom             88.83
 2. Mill Creek Jazz             87.17
 3. Forsyth Central Jazz   78.93
 4. Milton Pom                   74.63
 A-3A: Washington
 4A-5A: McIntosh
 6A-7A: Mill Creek
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